Have you noticed bed bugs, mice, wasps, and ants taking over your home? If so, now is the time to call for help. An exterminator can eliminate these unwanted guests.
However, what if the signs aren’t so obvious? Do you have a pest problem and not even know it? Here are some less obvious signs you need to call an exterminator Staten Island.
A classic sign of a pest problem is droppings. Check your home to see if there are any urine trails or fecal droppings present. Remember, even though mice and rat droppings are easy to identify, the waste from smaller creatures, such as bedbugs, is harder to see. Inspect your bed, furniture, and carpeting carefully to find these signs of pests.
Signs of Nesting
Rodents use what is available to make their nests. This includes grass clippings, leaves, and even shredded paper. Sometimes, these homes are located in discreet or hidden locations such as between the walls or under the floor. Looking for them will let you know if you have a pest problem hidden from view.
Grease Marks or Tracks
If you see grease tracks or marks on the walls or floor, it is a sign of a rodent infestation. Rats and mice will repeatedly travel the same paths, leaving a greasy trail behind them. Rats often move along the walls and leave a darker grease trail.
Daytime Appearances
One roach or mouse isn't a big deal. Unfortunately, if you see these vermin during the day, it likely means their numbers are more concentrated in or around your home than you think. Most pests wait to move around when it is dark; however, if there is an infestation, they will also move in daylight to find food, water, and shelter.
If you have a pest problem, taking action is necessary. As time passes, the problem will only get worse and be even more challenging to handle. The right exterminator can provide a thorough inspection, determine which pests are present, and make recommendations to eliminate them for good.