Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Holistic Learning: Is It Right for Your Classroom?

Everyone learns differently, especially young children. It is important to accommodate and celebrate these differences inside the classroom. That is why many educators are turning toward a new type of learning—holistic learning. Read onward to learn how to effectively incorporate holistic learning materials into your elementary school classroom.

What Is Holistic Learning?

Holistic learning is a teaching philosophy that aims to educate the whole of a person, rather than simply teaching standard academic concepts. This means combining the cognitive, emotional, social, and physical aspects of a subject into a complete, well-rounded lesson. Students are encouraged to reflect inwards on themselves and recognize how their actions affect the world around them. Similarly, lessons are designed to reflect real-world scenarios and often feature local problems the students can help address.

What Are the Benefits of Holistic Learning?

Studies show that students who typically struggle in the classroom experience increased academic success when holistic learning is incorporated into the curriculum. Additionally, holistic learning cultivates empathy, thoughtfulness, and emotional awareness, resulting in students who feel empowered to connect with others and contribute to their communities.

Which Tools and Materials Are “Holistic”?

There is a plethora of holistic, pre-made lesson plans and enrichment items you could bring into your classroom. Puzzles promote dexterity and logical thinking. Board games teach children the importance of rules and cooperation. Read-aloud picture books mix visual and audio stimuli. Browse around to see what works for your unique students.

How Does the Classroom Itself Contribute to Holistic Learning?

Research indicates that the physical setup of a classroom affects a student’s ability to learn. When arranging your classroom, try to incorporate natural light, relaxing sounds, and interesting colors. To promote connection and communication, organize desks to face each other in small groups. If possible, add plants and other naturalistic features that your class can nurture together.

All educators want to do their best for their students. The current state of the education system makes that different. However, change is possible, one classroom at a time, holistically.

Friday, May 14, 2021

The Art of Acceptance

Indeed it's very true that you'll only get to know your partner when you'll be living on the same roof and as time goes by of living together.

It can't be denied that there's no such thing as perfect relationship among married couples. There will always be flaws, shortcomings, misunderstanding and even relationship gap. However, there might be no perfect relationship, but there are still many couples who remain in the commitment til their last breath. How did it happen? How do they make it work?


Yes, indeed. Acceptance is the key in order to have a highly effective marriage. According to the book written by Nancy Van Pelt, "an important prerequisite to accepting your partner at face value is the ability to accept yourself just as you are" She said that self-worth is an honest appraisal of oneself. That is accepting your limitations that you've been unable to change and the ability to move ahead after failing many times. Through self-acceptance, it enables you to pay attention to others as well and become tolerant of the weaknesses of others as you are of your own.

Personally, before I got married to my husband,  I have so many expectations that only my mind could imagine because as we build our own family, I have so many frustrations because of all those unmet expectations. But what can I do? So, instead of resenting, nagging, and blaming him (which I actually did before), I accepted him and condition my mind that it's him and I can't do anything about it. My full acceptance of his total being actually resulted to positive result because by the time I stopped nagging him, he's now more open and more easy to deal with especially in rearing our three children. 

Indeed, acceptance is the key. If you find it so difficult to do, just reconsider that you have different backgrounds, different upbringing. Reconsider as well that you have different beliefs and principles in life. By the time you marry him, you're not only marrying the person in flesh, you are also bound to commit down to his soul.

Longing for a lifetime commitment?

Accept and meet halfway.

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Happy Mother's Day, Earth

I'm a Mom...
Far from being perfect...
A work in progress...

But coping and trying harder to become one.

Happy Mother's Day to everyone!

My Lola
My only Mother
My sisters
My sisters-in-law
My aunties
My cousins
My Mom nieces
My Ninangs
My female Mom colleagues
My female Mom teachers
My female Mom church mates
My female Mom friends
My female Mom acquaintances
My female Mom students
My female Mom neighbors
Even to InaTays
and all the mother women reading this! 

The world would be a whole lot different without us! 
You can't even imagine it 😉

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

How Alarming Is COVID Right Now?

    I can't stand looking at the news of a pile of bodies being cremated or burned in India and the number is increasing every day. Indeed, the new strain of Covid 19 is worst than before. Also, in our nearby town, a priest was infected but been to a congregational meeting thus infecting others, as of now, that priest died after battling Covid 19 in the ICU then one of those who got infected through him died as well.

    A good friend of mine was grieving as well after losing his only son to Covid just recently. Then some of my churchmates who went to the same company and the same office were quarantined because one of their colleagues got infected. That is how alarming Covid is right now. The rate was already more or less 2% of the total world population. We could only expect that it will increase with the regular establishment operation. Most people are still too relax to consider the real score about COVID, some are even hesitant to get the vaccine because they do not trust it.
    People are slowly forgetting the essence of life by living carelessly. Or maybe they are just trying to make the most out of their life. However, COVID is contagious. We must not forget the fact that not all people have the same perception about life. If one happened to live their life in "come what may" status and won't mind if they will get an infection or not- how about those people whom they will possibly get infected with? Indeed, it is disheartening to see somebody grieving because of the untimely death of a dearly beloved.

    Let us not allow ourselves to be the cause of the desperation of others. Let us be mindful and extra careful.

    Let us be responsible!


Thursday, April 29, 2021

A Decade and More

I posted this yesterday on my FB Wall:

Yes, we just celebrated our 10th year Wedding Anniversary yesterday. I am very vocal when it comes to my feelings and opinion. I speak what's on my mind and what I wrote on my wall is absolutely true! If I have to assess our marriage, it is very far from perfect. That reality versus expectation scheme did really happen to me. I expected a lot from my husband when we are still not married but things didn't go as I thought. However, that was just from an idealistic persona of me. I do love him and it takes authentic patience to accept the whole of him. But he is not bad, he just doesn't meet my expectations. 

On the other note, I realized as well, am I perfect for him? Did I also meet his expectations of me? If we based our relationship on each other's expectations then maybe, just maybe, 10 years is too long for both of us. The truth is, we're both imperfect. Our zodiac even tells us that our compatibility is up to 15% only. Funny, but the good thing is that we don't rely on the zodiac or any astrological predictions. we based our marriage relationship on God's will on His perfect plan for both of us. We are like two individuals with different views in life, but somehow we complement each other. He is actually the exact opposite of me. But Science proves that opposite poles attract each other. But seriously, we both believe that God destined us for each other.

Anyway, thanks for cheering with us to forever!


Sunday, April 25, 2021

Living in Uncertainties

Everyday is a miracle, I should say. With the increasing cases of COVID 19 infection in our locality, life becomes uncertain that is why I am thankful to God for the day that me and my family is spared from it. My heart goes to those who were in the hospitals struggling to fight the virus as well as for their families. My Mom and brother in-law who are currently residing in Iowa, USA were once infected but I'm thankful to God that there is no complication. 

The only way to prevent ourselves from infection is by taking good care of ourselves and following the protocols mandated by our government agencies. For a working Mom like me, it is really very difficult to maintain social distancing though I'm on mask most of the time. Past few weeks ago my asthma was triggered thus I'm into hard cough, runny nose and headache for more than a week, good thing I can still smell and taste. But during that time I was totally panicking, fearing that I I might have the virus and I'm with my kids and family. I've reassured myself by conditioning my mind that it was just my asthma hitting me again. And yes, it really was coz by now I'm already okay.

Panicking is a normal reaction but our instinct must be stronger than our emotion.

Living in uncertainties? Trust God then your instinct.

Happy Sunday!

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