Wednesday, October 3, 2012

BPC 277/366: It's All About My Baby

shhh... don't disturb!
Linking for BPC

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Tuesday, October 2, 2012

BPC 276/366: Learning His Way To Walk

Linking for BPC

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Monday, October 1, 2012

BPC 275/366:Cramming Eh?

I was so surprised upon learning that next week I should administer my Final Performance Exam for my 5 classes in Drawing as well as in Educational Technology. Oh my! What happened to me? I kinda lost of track with my schedules! Anyway, since I still have one more topic left, I am into discussion marathon and have their projects done at home.

Indeed, since becoming a Mom, I often run out of time with my school activities but hey I am not saying that I am putting all the blame to my baby or have any regrets at all. I just love to spend more time with my baby that I do not allow my job to interfere in my moments with him... Hmmm...

 isn't he irresistible?

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Saturday, September 29, 2012

Decorating Your Home Even on a Budget

Decorating your home adds not only an aesthetic value to the property but also creates a warm and inviting atmosphere for family members and guests who come over. While first time owners are often giddy when it comes to decorating, the excitement seem to fade away as the years go by. One of the reasons why homeowners tend to put decorating aside is because of budget issues.

The truth is, you don’t need to spend a lot of money if you are thinking of giving your home a little facelift. All it takes is proper planning, organization and knowing where to find the best deals. Start by making a list of the things around the house; mark those that needs repairs and take note of the ones that requires replacement. Learn to prioritize. Ask yourself: do you really need a new coffee table or is it time to replace the sofa that you’ve been using for the past years?

If you are planning to buy a new furniture, remember that quality is the most important factor to consider. Even if you are budget, consider getting an item that might cost a little more but will surely last for a long period of time rather than going for a cheap bargain that you might need to replace again just after a few months. Be a smart shopper and know where you can find great deals and discounts. The internet is the best place for shoppers on a budget because you can find a wide range of selection that fits every budget.

For owners that are creative. you may find items around the house that you can fix and use as decorative pieces. Be a little crafty and spend a weekend repainting tables and chairs or making flower pots for the garden. There are a number of DIY activities for home decorating that you can also do with the family.

Mina is a freelance content writer who loves to share tips about home improvement and design. She is currently working for

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Why I Hardly Sleep?

If I will be asked to find somebody who cannot live a day without coffee, I wil surely point no less than my very own self. I am a certified coffeeholic (my term for coffee addiction). I'm into brown coffee,  I just so love it and there's only one brand of its kind that I really love he most (better not mention it here though).
photo credit: Google image

And so yesterday afternoon, in the middle of my class, I left my student while doing their project to have a sip of brown coffee (with bread). I was just so sleepy that I want hot coffee to perk me up. And guess what? I was able to consumed TWO CUPS! err MUGS it's not really unusual to me but it was taken simultaneously. My colleague told me that it has an effect to me and I might be suffering from it. I just completely ignore what she said by telling here that I am used of doing it. Then later that afternoon, I felt like eating "isaw" so I have a bottle of softdrinks to complete my meal. I then realized, I do have lots of caffeine intake for the day. 

And true enough, it has an effect on me: I CANNOT SLEEP! yes, I really find it hard to sleep last night. I read my Amway Product Catalogue in order to drain my eyes but still it doesn't work. If I were to measure the total number of hours where I have an interrupted sleep, it might be just within two hours!

Now, I felt the need to cut down my coffee intake. Or at least I shouldn't have took it simultaneously :( 

photo credit: Google Image

Right this moment, I'm feeling groggy while having my class...

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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

How to Choose Children’s Toys

Children love to play with different toys. Parents buy them from toy stores such as dolls, cars or building blocks. Knowing which are safe enough for their kids to enjoy playing with is very important to prevent any accident from happening.
How does one choose from the different selections in the toy stores? There are different ways to choose the best one that fits any child’s preferences. Toys can be recreational or educational depending on what is preferred.

Selecting safe toys

·         Know the age of the child who will be using the toys. There are different varieties for every age group. Check the box for printed age labels that suits the child or ask the saleslady for tips on which one to buy.
·         Educational toys are excellent since it hones the cognitive part of the brain of a child. Play with him and teach him how to use building blocks.
·         Buy books that can teach the child how to count from one to three, tell colors or identify objects.
·         Check the packaging for the contents of the product. If it contains lead don’t purchase it and instead report it to the health department. It may be hazardous to a child’s health.
·         Always test the toy first in the stores to see if it is in good working condition.
·         If the child is too young, don’t buy Legos or other similar toys since it may end up choking the child.
·         Ask other parents around who already bought their own kids toys to know which are safe and recommendable.

A child’s safety is important and should come as a priority to any parent. Playing with them can attribute greatly to their growing up stage. Know the pros and cons of any toys bought from the stores to ensure how the child may benefit from it safely.
This is a guest post by Ciel, a photography enthusiast and an article contributor. She hopes to travel the world someday and show it through photographs. Her current writing task is for promoting a site for tagpap Hvidovre.

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