Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Jail Break!

I was bombarded with the news this morning from our local radio stations about the jail break in our local provincial jail. Right now the police and other authority are in full force for manhunt operation. There were six who were able to escape but two of them were being caught back by the Police. When interviewed, one jail breaker said that they were just compelled to escape because of the delayed judicial process on their case. Well, as for me, it's no longer new. Justice delayed, justice denied as the famous quote goes. I really do not know what causes the delay but one thing is for sure: Not all of those who were imprisoned deserves to be there. Some were just being set up or framed up. They just don't have any money to post for bail. That's one of the sad realities that our society is adapting nowadays. I do not know what should be done about this. With those heavy files of cases piling up, specially those involving lowly citizens, perhaps, only time can really tell. 

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Saturday, September 17, 2011

MUST Intramurals 2011

taken from the FB album of my student
Today is the last day of the University Intramurals. But I never get the chance to enjoy the event because we just cannot procrastinate all the transactions at the office. However, we could hear the shouts from the students since our office is adjacent to the basketball court. If I am going to compare the Intramurals this year to the previous years, it's really different. I mean, something is just lacking. Before, faculty and staff were involved with the Fiesta Games unlike now that all the activities were just focused to the students. the right of the faculty and staff to enjoy is being deprived? Well, nevertheless, the event is still successful. Intramurals is also one way for the students to unwind and to free themselves from the pressures of academic requirements. This is also a chance for us, teachers, to relax (with my self as an exemption lol!)

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Friday, September 16, 2011

Another Blessing from postnjoy!

I am more than happy today for a very unexpected blessing. I ranked 2nd (with other fellow bloggers) on the recent result of postnjoys advertising campaign about Korea Electronic Show 2011. I am so happy because I never expected to win. My previous post only got $5 and $8 respectively. Since I need to earn $20 in order to cash out the amount, I participated two of their campaign ads hoping to win at least another $8, but by God's grace, He gave me more than what I have expected. I am now waiting for the result of the other campaign ads which will be announced next week. Looking back, I almost did not join the campaign for some reason. But since I am quite desperate to earn more, and upon checking my dashboard that I have to earn at least $8 in order to cash out, I took effort to join and such effort paid off!

Thank you to postnjoy. The campaign was still extended, don't fail to join. By the way, just to share with you my happiness, here's the proof of my victory:

===  THE WINNERS OF 10TH OPP.  ===

"Korea Electronics Show (KES) 2011"

Congratulations, everyone!

All participants not on list were credited $5
 (*except bloggers who did not fulfill the requirements)

Aren't you convinced? Don't be late, join now!

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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

WFW: Are You Willing To Go?

Can you hear God calling you right now? Are you willing to be used for his greater glory? How far are you willing to go?

You don't need to go to far places in serving God. Just simply look around you and feel the need of reaching out to others. Allow God to use you within your territory. Being a missionary doesn't have to be traveling to the mountains for others can do that. Just be willing to do God's will.

Listen to that still small voice- God is calling you.

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Get Yourself a Safety Razor

How often do you shave? How safe is the razor that you are using? If shaving is part of your beauty regimen then reading this article is meant for you.

Shaving as what other people think are not only the concern of men, it is also the concern now of most women. I, for one, I do shaving regularly to get rid of those unwanted hairs on my armpit and legs. Gone were the days that only men has the right to use razor for shaving. I used to use disposable razor which is only good for two to three uses though the package says that it is only good for one use. The end result was cut and burns. This was my dilemma before because I tend to have cuts and burns one after another which eventually irritated my skin especially on my armpit.
To solve this dilemma, a friend advice me to use safety razor that uses blades that is suitable for longer use. The safety razor itself is quite expensive but worth the price because of its quality. If I tried to compare it with the disposable one I can still save for more considering that I only replace the blade when it becomes dull and the quality itself will save me from those unwanted cuts and burns. 

Aside from using safety razor it is also advisable to use shaving cream or shaving soap. This will help us to have a smoother finish compared to just using ordinary soap. Just choose unscented one just in case you are allergic to scent. Men and women alike will surely have a wonderful shaving experience.

I am participating in a blogger campaign by Bucks2Blog and was compensated. However, the views and opinions are all mine.

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All- In- One Mobile Chair?

I signed up with StumbleUpon not only to generate traffics and gain friends but to get an updates as well with some of the bloggers on different categories. Then I have stumbled upon this post about 34 Cleverly Designed Inventions and I would like to share with you one of such inventions which really fascinated and amused me at the same time:

Isn't it too practical? Would you like to have one? Hahaha I am pretty sure you found it so amazing too. Check out for more at http://nedhardy.com/2011/03/10/34-cleverly-designed-inventions/ and get ready to be amazed and amused at the same time with their other clever but funny inventions.

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