Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Quenching Your Thirst...

the Watered Soul

There comes a time in our life where we seek for something we do not know... 
We are totally confused and disoriented. We felt some emptiness within us. Spiritually, we are totally dried up. It happens to me not only once but oftentimes. I admit, I became too complacent that I tend to forget to feed my soul with His Words...

If I will not go to church, I will never hear nor read a passages from the Bible. Sometimes I felt guilty also because going to church becomes a routine itinerary. But I am amazed of how God reminded me. He reminded me in the middle of my busyness... or between the lines that I read from the blog, from my Our Daily Journey devotional pocket book and from the wall posts of my friends on their Facebook. He blatantly reminded me of His existence. I cannot shun Him out of my life no matter what. I can feel how He holds me tight so that I cannot let go of Him anymore. 

I downloaded a bible so that I can read it with just a double-click from my mouse. Indeed, God's presence is inevitable... We cannot run away from Him.

I am so glad for those people who helps me along the way... Who blessed me with their words of wisdom and inspiration...

I invite you all to check Wanda's site to refresh your soul... just click the badge above.... Quench your thirst with the watered soul.

God bless.

Are You Hooked To Bingo Games?

If I am in the mall, I just can't get rid of the Bingo announcer giving numbers to the players. I wonder how Bingo was being played. I am wondering as well why there are so many people playing such addicting games. Then I just learned that Bingo can be played via online as well. There are many bingo sites who offers the same fun as the actual play site. Well, I still do not want to learn this game fearing that I might get hooked into it like others did if I will do so.

Need Efficient Cable Management?

Clutters are common everywhere especially in school offices and laboratories  where office supplies and equipments were piled up or stock. Just like in our computer laboratory, if not because of efficient  cable management adopted by our technician, everything will be a mess. If you experienced the same situation, take time to consider MCL Data Solutions. They can really help you in getting rid of all computer laboratory mess.

Mobile Phone Recycling

Have you heard about mobile phone recycling? If you want to dispose your phone without giving harm to our Mother Earth, be practical by selling it with RPC Recycle. They will pay you a reasonable price for your specific phone brand and model. Check them on Facebook.

TCP: Eat Pray Love

I haven't seen this movie yet but I am looking forward to squeeze this on my Topsy-turvy schedule ;)) By merely reading the following review, you will surely love to watch this if you haven't done so.... Take time to read the movie review: 

Elizabeth Gilbert has written a very entertaining and enlightening book about her travels to Italy, India, and Indonesia. Following her divorce, Elizabeth experienced a crushing depression resulting in panic, confusion, and weight loss. This is the story of her travels and explorations of three different cultures, in an effort to find balance in her life. click here for more...

Here's the trailer:

More Than Stylish...

The Stylish Blogger Award continues as Joahna of What's Inside Joahna's Heart gave it to me. First was yesterday from Ate Grace of Gracia Fashionista. I was indeed flattered that finally my blog was noticed by some respectable bloggers. Not only that, I got a comment from The Story Teller Kim who justified that I deserve for such award.

Yesterday, I shared 7 things about me, as one of the rules in having this award, I made to mention that I still have a lot of things to say about myself. I guess, this is the chance that I will tell more about myself, specifically, the 7 things that I disliked the most... (I refrain from using the word "hate" anymore. I might offended somebody)

7 Things I Disliked The Most
  1. I dislike people who smoke. They don't care about themselves.
  2. I dislike (hate is the right word, I guess) unfaithful partner, it reminds me of somebody supposedly close to me.
  3. I dislike the taste of durian fruit (sorry DavaoeƱos).
  4. I dislike rap music as well as heavy metal.
  5. I dislike people who will just use you for their own good/benefit and forget about you when they already achieved everything they want out of using you.
  6. I dislike Calculus subject. (I never took this when I was in College ;)
  7. I dislike pretentious, unreal, insensitive and over-confident people.
But of course, I respect the opinion of others who feel the contrary of what I disliked the most. We are unique and different in so many ways. Peace....

And now, I will pass on this award to Kikamz of Just About Anything, Iris of Grace Alone and Wanda of The Watered Soul
These women are indeed not only a stylish blogger but a good epitome of grace, faith and inspiration.

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