Monday, September 13, 2010

MYM: Camera Addict

This is what usually happens after the Sunday Service....

janice, janet and me!

Aiming higher!


Thursday, September 9, 2010

Thanking God for the 348 Months and Beyond...

God's faithfulness and love for me never ceases... I just want to thank God for everything. I've been through a lot for the past 348 months of my life, but by God's favor, I am standing still. I know and I am confident that God will give me more strength to win the battles in life, wisdom to conquer all the challenges, and patience to overcome the imperfections of the world where I live in... 

I just want to thank God for all His people whom He entrusted to be a part of my life to guide me, love me and to understand me...

Life on Earth is not a piece of a cake... or a bed of roses... My sensitivity tells me to be tolerant... I realized long time ago that without God, I cannot go on living in this world where people are prone to hatred, resentment, immorality and confusion. I am not even spared by it. It is too hard to overcome hatred and resentment without knowing the Sovereignty of God. If we happened to forget our stand before Him, we are likely to fall. I am not perfect on this area, I am just like any other human being who try to live in accordance to His will but failed to do it sometimes. Nevertheless, I will continue to give God all the praises and honor and majesty the best that I can.

All I know and what I believe is that God allow me to continue to live for a reason.  

Monday, September 6, 2010

Experiencing God's Faithfulness

The 24th Thanksgiving and Anniversary Celebration of Blessed Hope Christian Community Church ended with a blast. The highlight of the celebration was the BHCCCI Got Talent Lighthouse Edition. By God's grace, Liponan Lighthouse (where I belong) won! woh! perfect... thanks to Ma'am Mye and the team! 

The PAKA group!

Oops! I almost forgot to mention that finally I met my co-blogger Karen Chayne "Kaye" Sanches of My Daily Notes

me, che, t.nelg, kaye, t. grace and joey!
Certified CDO Bloggers

Friday, September 3, 2010

Halloween Ideas

cannot find Batman?
It is September already and there are a lot of events that people are looking forward to. This coming Sunday our Blessed Hope church will celebrate its 24th Anniversary. As most of us noticed, time flew so fast that we are even racing against it. And by next week, it is going to be my 29th birthday! We are on the end part of the third quarter and soon, before we notice it, It's Christmas season already! But of course, Halloween comes first before Christmas time! Trick or Treats and Halloween Decorations are the highlights every November. 

Speaking of Halloween decorations, one has to be creative in conceptualizing a theme. Of course, not all can afford to have new decorations every year, thus, most of us has to make use of the old decorations. Nevertheless, it really does not matter as long as the decorations are still in good shape and very usable. As early as now, one must plan on what to do and how to do it in order to make a memorable Halloween. I just remembered back in the good old days wherein I was asked to draw a witch for the decoration and it was used for the next two successive years. It is on the proper way of keeping the deco that last my drawing for long.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Love it?

Originally, this was it...


after careful evaluation...


Love it so much... edited by tidkapa Principal Altonks! :)

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Lie... Lie... Lie....

Call me ugly, call me fat but never call me anything that does not hold true about me... One more thing, never judge me just because I made a simple honest mistake... If I did something wrong and I felt guilty about it, I will not make any violent reaction. To remain silent is much more justifiable than give alibis in defending yourself. HOWEVER, if the accusation was pure lie, that's another story. To rebut is not wrong as long as your intention is just to erase the judgment that some people may throw against you. To remain silent about it will only made you appear to be really guilty of the things you never did. That should not be the case, whatsoever. God told me to be humble always no matter what. But I believe that God gave me wisdom to correct what is needed to be corrected and to prove the wrong things that they thought about me. If I'll just keep silent, what would be the implication? They will just continue to believe what they thought I really am. I cannot allow that to happen. Sometimes, we just have to defend ourselves not just by actions, but by words as well. But of course, we need to do that in a manner that is not offending to them, or else, all your labor and effort will be in vain...

Lord, I am not doing this because I have something to brag (I knew I have nothing to brag about) but I am doing this to keep them reminded that NOT AT  ALL TIMES they are on the right reason even if they thought they were... and that they need to be corrected because human as they are, the fact remains that they are not perfect... And also for them to realize that we are not invincible from pain and depression. 

Duh! what a day!

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