Thursday, July 29, 2010

Post- birthday gift

For my dear mentor... Ate Grace. I tried to edit your badge that will redirect to your home and not to a particular post... Hmmwah!


Wednesday, July 28, 2010

One Stop Online Marketing Needs

Recently, I talk about what to consider in web hosting plan. Well, I just hope that idea could really help especially for novice online businesses. Their are Internet Marketing Company whom we can rely on in finding the answer of our online marketing needs. They have all what we need from Search Engine Optimization or commonly referred to as SEO, and Link building as well. How are these two so important. In online businesses, we have to consider that the high competition is at stake. There are a lot of similar businesses proliferating on the web. Normally, when we research for something, the results that we found on the first page on the search engine are the one we usually look into. If the site is optimized, it is of great advantage. But of course, we should not solely depend on that. A wise businessman always put into consideration the return of his investment, well, everyone does. The bottom line is, you will get much in return from your investment. But of course, this process needs extra time and effort. Some might thought that this is quite a tedious job. Why worry when you can entrust it to the experts like Internet Marketing Company that offers almost anything in promoting your site and have it known in the world wide web.Let others know your existence without exerting much sweat and error. However, trust only  the expert.

WFW: Habakkuk 2:9

What To Consider In Web Hosting

The world became smaller today with the aid of the internet. I cannot imagine way back 1990's when only the selected few has access to the not-so-fast internet world. Today, the development of online technology creates vast opportunity not only for social networking but for business leveraging as well. One of the most commonly adapted by businesses nowadays is building their own website. Through this opportunity, more customers were aware with their business without further advertising it manually. With just simple steps,the people can access to their business. However, this kind of method needs  dedicatedserverhosting. There are free web hosting offered by some online companies,however, opportunities are limited. Even for us bloggers, we need a dedicated server hosting that can ensure us of unlimited possibilities in the internet world.

Finding the right web host could be easy by browsing and surfing. Many websites now are offering web hosting with reasonable prices. There are actually a lot of options to choose from. We just have to be wise and of course, if our aim is to have a better business, we should not settle for less. Try to consider a cheap yet reliable Web Hosting Plan. It is readily available in the  net.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Julie Tearjerky No More

I seldom see this woman cry... Unless you will let her talk and pour out her emotions you can really see her tears rolling down her cheeks while speaking using English language (nosebleed po ako!)

Julie, July, Miming but most of the time I called her Langga, my endearment to dear people like her.Currently she's our President in an all-female organization in our church. Like our past president, she is so active. In every activity, she wants to get things done as early as possible so she made it a point to do hands-on on every task that needs to be done. That's Julie. Young as she is, she is matured enough to handle an organization where most of the members are either older or much younger than her, but she was able to manage it. One thing that I admired most about this woman was her dedication which I guess I do not have. 

Need some help for any layout or design? Just call her and she's always willing to do it for you, that's one of her crafts, passions...

I am so blessed to have known this young, vibrant RN... Simple, beautiful, humble and simply amazing!

Love you girl! Here's the edited code for you so that it won't get error once clicked by our co-bloggers....My birthday gift! ^_^

Monday, July 26, 2010

New Look for my badge here...

I'll give you two choices for my badge here. The first badge was made by Raven, and the second one was the result of my "collective" effort (thanks to Maxi):

So you can have this:

God Brought Me Here for a Reason

or this:

God Brought Me Here for a Reason

The picture I used for the second one was one of my personal creations... That was actually printed on the back of my red shirt which was donated already to the flood victims... 

Which is which? Feel free to choose!

Ex-badge anyone?

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