While drafting this blog this afternoon, one word sprout into my mind: FAITH... the commonly used word in the bible... the usual word uttered by the hopeful Godly people... but quite misunderstood by some...For me, faith is such a powerful word,this is what holds me still right now... Because of faith I was able to stand firm in times of adversity... it is by faith that I still hold on to my dreams... it is through faith that I cling on when I felt like giving up... Even if I am quite tired of hoping...pondering...waiting...I must go on because I have this faith on HIM!Somehow I am very thankful to Him that despite my weaknesses, my shortcomings-I can still feel His loving kindness... Maybe I need to have a paradigm shift the way I think... Being positive even if the actual things that happened around me are negative... After all: Thy will be done!