My attention was caught with this headline from WebProNews to which I am a subscriber. With the electronic mails we have right now which is very much convenient and fast, how can the snail mail survive and compete with such technology?

Well, we cannot deny the fact that electronic mails are indeed very helpful especially for us who are rushing against time. However, we cannot deny the fact as well that snail mail has something that the e-mail cannot give. For me, I would appreciate it more to receive any personal communication such as love notes that is personally written knowing that it's the thoughts that really counts. It may take some times to send and receive but the efforts will really pays off if such mail was sent with love. As far as I've known as well, Legal Departments transmit their communications like replies to Motion, Petition, and other Notices through registered mails. Therefore, I should say that Post Office can still survive the Digital Age, not unless everyone is such in a hurry. :)