God's faithfulness and love for me never ceases... I just want to thank God for everything. I've been through a lot for the past 348 months of my life, but by God's favor, I am standing still. I know and I am confident that God will give me more strength to win the battles in life, wisdom to conquer all the challenges, and patience to overcome the imperfections of the world where I live in...
I just want to thank God for all His people whom He entrusted to be a part of my life to guide me, love me and to understand me...
Life on Earth is not a piece of a cake... or a bed of roses... My sensitivity tells me to be tolerant... I realized long time ago that without God, I cannot go on living in this world where people are prone to hatred, resentment, immorality and confusion. I am not even spared by it. It is too hard to overcome hatred and resentment without knowing the Sovereignty of God. If we happened to forget our stand before Him, we are likely to fall. I am not perfect on this area, I am just like any other human being who try to live in accordance to His will but failed to do it sometimes. Nevertheless, I will continue to give God all the praises and honor and majesty the best that I can.
All I know and what I believe is that God allow me to continue to live for a reason.