Ate Grace of Amazing Grace just celebrated her 44th birthday last July 22 and she's giving away $100 cash and Blog Make-over! She told me to join for a chance to win. I noticed as well that God is blessing my online career though not really with paid opportunities but with contests and giveaways just like Mommy Ruby's recently concluded P1,000.00 giveaways for the lucky likers of her FB page...
Well, who knows this will open another door of blessings for me (Amen!)
So for the prizes here it goes:
1st Prize :
$50 Cash thru Paypal
Blog Make-over
2nd Prize :
$ 30 Cash thru Paypal
Blog Make-over
3rd Prize :
$ 20 Cash thru Paypal
Blog Make-over
Because it's her 44th birthday a $10 cash awaits the 44th commenter ( one comment per site/per day)
And here's the mechanics :
1. Blog about the contest with the badge and the title "Amazing Grace Amazing Birthday Contest Yr. 3! " Subscribed to her other blogs and include them in your bloglist : A Walk to Remember, Gracia Fashionista, Amazing Grace , kids turf , Here , there and Everywhere, A Bucket of Wisdom, I love CDO, Heart and Matter and Healthy at 40
2. Return to her contest post (by clicking the badge above) and leave the URL of your contest post.
3. Shout the Contest on Facebook.
4. Copy the Prizes , Mechanics and the the list of Sponsors below.
3. Shout the Contest on Facebook.
4. Copy the Prizes , Mechanics and the the list of Sponsors below.
Cacai M's Place| Thoughts Ideas and Resources | GAGAY.MD | Pinoy.MD | Fishy Talks | Oh Gush Gulay | Bustling Bangkok | Joey's Girl| From Fab to Flab |Trips and Travel | Filipina Blogger | Pinay Mommy Blogger | Consumer Mom Talks | Pink Memoirs | Hands Full of Life | Blogger's Nook | Viva Fashionista | A healthy Options | Tastes Matters | From Asia and Beyond | Baker Wannabe | Train of Thoughts | Times Like These | | Nita's Random Thoughts |Nita's Corner | Ryanne for the Blog MAke -over |
(Lucky winners will be selected randomly through . A video will be uploaded to validate it's authenticity . Contest starts last July 22 and ends 44 days after :)
So what are you waiting for? Join now!