Showing posts with label bfd2. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bfd2. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Maximizing His Potentials

My husband at work
Local election is fast approaching and many aspiring candidates are already preparing their jingle, which, I guess, only happens in the Philippines. I remember how my husband earned money out of it together with selected members of the choir group in our congregation. A certain politician, who is also a common friend of our minister, approached them once asking them to make an election jingle for him. He preferred to choose them because he wants to come up with a wholesome election jingle that will leave a lasting impression among his constituents. In short span of time (as requested), the jingle was completed with only two vocals, and a multiplex. But the output was like the jingle was done with a complete set of accompaniments like drums on the background. My husband did the tricks with his little knowledge in audio and music editing.

My husband’s passion for music doesn't limit him to just playing the guitar, beating the drum or any other musical instruments. I was amazed on how he can edit background music with audio or musical effects. He can add effects like it was really real or done actually. I know most of the guys knew about it yet, my man doesn't really have a formal training on this area. He is only a sound technician in our church. But his curiosity brought him to learn beyond the ordinary. He loves exploring the net to find tips on how to improve such skills. Right now, he is also curious about bfd2 and hopes to have one so he could really maximize his potentials.

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