Showing posts with label amalia fuentes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label amalia fuentes. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Wazz Up?

Many are so excited for the upcoming Pacquiao- Bradley bout. And perhaps, you are one of them. As for me, I am excited as well and I like the latest development of Manny Pacquiao, specifically on his spiritual life though there were some who were just so negative about it. Whatever is the outcome, I just hope that it will be the last fight for Manny and I hope also that he will just completely ignore Mayweather's challenge. So much for his boxing career. He should focus on what is most important- his newly found love in Jesus Christ ^_^.

Anyway, in the issue of fighting, the media can't still get enough of Santiago-Tulfo fight that took place last Sunday at NAIA. People are still wondering as to who should be blamed and who really caused it to happen. Whoever initiated the said fight, I just hope that it will be resolved soon. I can't help but notice as well the shortcomings of NAIA for their malfunctioned CCTV cam (It's more fun in the Philippines, indeed that a simple case of malfunctioning cannot be resolved immediately). Public places like an airport should be well-equipped with usable facilities and proper maintenance should be applied considering the necessity of CCTV cam. If only the CCTV cam did work during the incident, there would be no further interrogation as to who should be blamed on the issue. 

On the part of Cebu Pacific, they should informed the passenger beforehand about the luggage issue in order not to cause panic on the part of the passengers. We cannot put all the blame to Claudine for acting such things though it is inappropriate for her to be so nasty with the attendant considering that the attendants have nothing to do about it.    However, if only Cebu Pacific management informed them ahead of time (before boarding time) such incident will not happen.

On the part of Mon Tulfo, he appeared to be the most affected, severely pathetic if we based our judgment on the YouTube video footage that reached almost one million viewers (hmm, trending!). However, during the interview, the Santiago revealed that it was Mon Tulfo who initiated the fight when he was asked about the picture of Claudine that he took. Mon Tulfo earned the sympathy of the majority especially the media people because for them, Mon was just exercising his rights as a media practitioner and that the Santiago's were in a public place thus they have no rights to claim their right of privacy (toink!)

If we tried to weigh things out, we cannot really tell as to who among them tells the truth. Only the witnesses can do it however, the security guards who were there during the incidents were not willing to cooperate for some reason. Both parties are willing to settle the issue through the court. The Santiago's were threatened with the reaction of Mon Tulfo's siblings (who can blame them?).

Well, I just hope that the truth will prevail. Such issue on fighting is so trending nowadays- especially in the Entertainment World. We had Andi Eigenman vs. Arvie CasiƱo; Annabelle Rama and Ruffa Gutierrez vs. Amalia Fuentes; Annabelle Rama vs. Nadia Montenegro and of course Manny Pacquiao vs the unbeaten Timothy Bradley LOL!

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