As millennium baby, year 1981 to be exact, there are lots of things that I truly missed- those good old days...
Gone were the days where kids find contentment and fun playing under the heat of the sun. Our only source of electronic entertainment back then was the television where not all families have the luxury to acquire. We used to peek on our neighbor's window (hoping they won't close it) just to watch our favorite tv show. When the electricity is out during night time, we used to play "tagging" under the bright moon, otherwise, we just gather around the shed talking about anything or playing songs accompanied by a guitar. There's real human connection in our time. Simple life, simple joy, yet very memorable.
Gone were the days, as well, where we cannot go to school unprepared. We were so afraid being punished for getting failing grades or not answering the questions. We learned to prioritize basic learning like reading, spelling, speaking, and problem solving. Above all, we cannot be promoted to the next level if we cannot read nor pass any two of our academic subjects. That was tough but we learned to be responsible with our studies.
Gone were the days (almost) where ALL kids and young adult pays high respect to their parents, teachers and anyone older than them. Talking back is not an option. Yes, that was really tough and seems like our freedom of expressions were being suppressed but we grew up giving premium to the value of respect.
Back then, we seldom witnessed public display of affection. Most women behaves well. Yes, there might be gender bias but that was how women earned respect from men. We do value the beauty of being wholesome and men value purity and chastity.
Of course, am not saying that our generation was perfect. We also have heard horrible stories of aristocracy, inequality, abuse, and all those unbecoming behaviors. But it is in our generation where most millennials develop the value of hard work, perseverance, patience, and resilience.
As a teacher of these generations: Z and Alpha (where my kids belong), there are lot of works to do as to reminding them, and inculcating to their minds that the world we have right now is doom to destruction if we will fail to guide them, correct them, and teach them the lesson and value of humanity.
Welcome to Generation Beta!

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