Lately, I notice that my tolerance to stress is not the same as before. I easily get snapped. I have little patience with mistakes and things that could blow my top. I do not know if this has something to do with my age or just me being hypertensive. But honestly, I just couldn't live such a kind of life anymore. I wanna change my life's perspective, I just don't know where and how to start.
There are multiple ways to combat stress. Personally, I have many options for myself. One way is by drawing or sketching-it's one of my favorite past times. Even when I am in the middle of stress, if I want to unplug myself from heavy workloads, I just simply got my paper and pencil and then do some doodling or sketching. One sheet is enough then I get back to work, feeling energized. Nevertheless, I thought, it is not enough.
I am a Drawing teacher and I also have low patience for students who could not follow my instructions very well. I wonder how could they not make a simple line yet be very good at doing something else like mobile gaming. Kids nowadays are very keen when it involves computers, gadgets, and other IT-related activities. They're so good at it that I just could not connect their being genius in mobile gaming yet not good in doodling. Though there are some who could really deliver such an impressive output but still, as a teacher, I want all of them to perform well in my class.
That is why at home, I see to it that my eldest son knows how to draw even if like any other kid, was also into mobile gaming. But his choice of games was different though. He likes trivia, quizzes, puzzles, and games that involve building, creating, and leveling up. I am not really familiar with some games other than my Township, my Coin Masters, and my Wordscape. Those are my kind of games. He likes it too but somehow easily gets bored with it. He used to find me playing Candy Crush before but discourage me, telling me that it was another boring, dragging game.
My son is very keen when it comes to computer search and navigation. I learned from him what website to go to when I want to watch free movies. Now, he introduces me to another site that was loaded with a lot of games, See, that's how resourceful he is. Since I always complained to him about downloading and installing games on my phone which have limited memories so he told me that games found in don't need to be installed. Curious enough since I also want to learn what he is playing on our computer, we visited the site together and played some games like the Science Quiz, which took us 5 attempts to get a score of 48 over 50. Well, at least I learned some trivia too! We also tried the faster or slower game and learned some trivia too like a rabbit is faster than a bear? Seriously? But we do both have a good laugh about it.
As a Mom, and a teacher at the same time, it is also good if we are aware of how our kids cope with stress as well. Young as they are, they can also feel some burden especially now that face-to-face classes are back amidst the pandemic. We must encourage them to cope it creatively but of course with our guidance. If we need to play with them, then let's do it. Letting them know that we are just right here within their reach, they will feel better. If we allow them to deal with it on their own, we might be surprised how the internet lured them to things beyond our imagination.
So, now we're on to the next game! So many categories to choose from after all!

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