Wednesday, January 1, 2020

No Christ, No Change!

New Year Resolution? 

"Authentic, deep and lasting change is only possible in Christ Jesus. Without Him, all our pursuit for change- individual and institutional- are but chasing after the wind" - Philip C. Flores #NoChristNoChange Yes, indeed. Truth be told, only a few of us can truly live to what we wrote down in our NEW YEAR RESOLUTION. We're only good for the next few weeks, but right after that, we're back to what we're used to doing. Of course, there are those who can really stand to what they promised to themselves to change- but only a handful of them. 

Why do we fail to follow our New Year Resolution? Because most of what we have written is already out of our comfort zones. Just like new clothes, we love to wear them always, but as soon as we're getting bored with its design and style, we go back wearing our favorite ones. Real change only happens when we put our heart to it AND Real change only happens when we allow God to have the total control of our heart. HAVE A RENEWED HEART THIS NEW YEAR EVERYONE! GOD LOVES US.😉

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