Hello readers, it's Saturday again and I just wanna share with you my first post for my #WorthySaturday memes. If you're a blogger, please join! The rule is very simple, just post your very own picture that you find worthy to share about yourself or loved ones then say something about it, that's how simple it is! Thanks
My 7-year old son loves to read Science book. He doesn't like to study that much but if you give him a book of interest he will not stop until he's done with it. Lately, our local book store got a book sale so I was able to get a book about the weather for P50 only. To check if he really did learn something, I asked him randomly to spell a word for me, and the result was amazing, it's not perfect but already good enough for a typical 7-year old boy like him. So, that's my Worthy Saturday post for this week!

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