When you are in charge of the finances, whether personally or as a business owner, every purchase matters. Nowhere is that more obvious than in purchases that some people may consider extravagant. If there are hunters, jumpers, or eventers at your facility, you may be under pressure to add jumps. Even dressage riders and others that school mainly on the flat often train over cavaletti and small grids.
You may have looked at horse jumps for sale and thought to yourself, I can build that. While the actual structure of horse jumps is relatively straightforward, building them yourself is not as easy as you may think. Professional jumps are made to withstand rigorous use and designed to be safe and inviting for less experienced horse and riders, while still challenging for more seasoned pairs.
Another thing to consider is that while the jumps appear to be made from basic woodworking supplies, there are several components that you will have trouble sourcing yourself. This includes the jump cups, which are important for not only convenience, but safety, and the octagonal-shaped poles which are nice, as they fit in the jump cup without rolling out at the slightest gust of wind, but will fall before entangling a horse.
If you are concerned about the cost of purchasing horse jumps, you may be surprised at how affordable they are. You can often find package deals that allow you to outfit an entire ring, building a course that will work for all skill levels. There are also several ways you can save money when looking for horse jumps for sale. Purchasing jumps unpainted can be a good solution if you have some willing workers. A nice afternoon and a work party can get your jumps show ring ready. Another thing to consider is having the jumps shipped without the legs attached to the standards. Because of shipping requirements, shipping the jumps fully assembled is more costly than shipping them without the legs attached. All hardware necessary to attach the legs is included and it is a straightforward job.

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