But is that really a good enough reason to commit such act? As for me, we cannot really judge them because I know for a fact the intensity of pressures in DepEd and unless those in authority would do something about it, things will always be the same.

Gone were the days that the only thing that a teacher should attend to are teaching and recording children's progress, no more, no less. We could only hope that it will be just like the old times. In that way, quality of education can really be assured.
Why not hire a non-teaching staff to do all the paper works like record keeping, etc. instead of putting all the burdens to the teachers. that can be possible. After all, teacher are mandated to teach- other than that are an added pressure. But am not saying that they will not help in the recording anymore-of course they have to since they have the data.
So what's an ideal school then?
There are students, teachers, admin consisting of the school heads, the assistant to the school head, non-teaching personnel to function as follows: 1 registrar, 1 school record keeper, 1 property custodian, 1 librarian, 1 nurse, 1 guidance counsellor, 1 prefect of discipline, 1 disbursing officer, social worker (for the 4Ps), ICT technician (to do all ICT-related tasks).
Whew, if only this simple wishes will be heard, teaching life would be awesome!
If Only.

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