Decorating your child’a room is a wonderful way to bring them joy. What better way to do this than to turn their room into a magical world filled with all their favorite characters from TV along with everything they love. You can do this in three simple steps. They are easy to do, but the results are amazing.
The Base Layer
You don't need any artistic skills to accomplish this. Your goal is to make the room look like the outdoors. Draw a wavy line two-thirds of the way up the wall. Paint from there down in green and everything above in sky blue. Paint the ceiling blue as well. By doing this, you have made a hillside landscape with a bright, clear sky overhead.
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Draw images around the room of their favorite characters and places. This could be Winnie the Pooh and his tree or Elmo on Sesame Street. Don't set everything on top of the wavy line. Put plenty of things on the lower half of the room. Use brushes from quality artist brush manufacturers to color the images in. Don't forget to put planes, birds, and balloons in the sky with plenty of white clouds.
The Finishing Touches
The finishing touches will complete the room. Make a valance out of heavy duty cardboard. Start with a large piece of cardboard, and draw a big sunshine with a cloud touching on each side. Cut it out, paint it, and hang it above the window with brackets. Keep bedding and curtains in solid colors so that they don't compete with your artworK.
Once you have finished, this will be a bedroom that they will love spending time in. The bright colors will stimulate their mind, the images will help them learn new words, and when it's bedtime, there will be nothing to be afraid of. Others will think you had it professionally decorated, but you will know it was truly a labor of love.

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