Another school year has ended. Another school year to look forward to. As for this year, my teaching career was put to the test- my patience among the top of the list. Of course, being an adviser brought me to my realities in life, realities that life has so much to be thankful for. Honestly, I so love this year, in spite of those busy schedules, numbers of delegated tasks, and other school stuff that keeps my hands busy.
Why do I love this year?
One, I love my advisory students. Most of them reminded me how it feels to be a teacher and a parent at the same time.
Two, I learned so much from them. I learned how to be a parent to a teenage kids-including the dos and don't.
Three, I will surely miss spending time with them.
Four, I will miss their annoying behavior sometimes, those moment of silence when I'm scolding them
The list could go on.
But yes, reality has taken its toll once again.
I was reminded again with the reality that people come and go in our life and yet no matter how hard I've tried not to be emotionally attached with my students, I just can't help it. Because they were already a part of me.
Someday, I may have forgotten their name-and so with them to me. But it is my prayer that someday, when they'll be able to catch their dreams, they'll return to me and allows me the opportunity to celebrate with them...
I've been teaching for more than a decade already, and mind you, the sweetest phrase that you could hear from your former students is the word "thank you".
Looking forward for that greatest day to come.

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