Thursday, November 16, 2017

Unknown Stress

While complying one task after the other, I was brought back to my memory lane. Those days that I am still young, carefree and happy. Oops am not saying that things have been changing differently these days. But when I tried to look back to my younger years, those years are indeed full of vigor, energy and enthusiasm! I may have known stress but not that much.

As of now, I am happy because I've got three adorable kids who completed my day. But then I have this unnecessary worries that keeps on bugging me and I know this is common to not-so-old mothers out there who faced some kind of premid-life crisis (sorry for the premid word, I just made it up). I am not afraid with all these responsibilities laid down before me- I am just not sure if I could really make it happen up to my last breath. I have so many apprehensions. I tried to be calm but sometimes, I just cannot avoid the fact that my kids are growing and so do I-only older.

I could only pray to God that He would continue to strengthen me and enlighten me always that I should learn to develop that unwavering faith in HIM.

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