Who wouldn't love to live in a peaceful environment? I am sure, all of us dreamed of it. However, for as long as there are individuals with bad intentions who wouldn't have a second thought to harm others in one way or another, that peaceful environment would just remain a thought.
To be honest, the news about killing nowadays involving drug menace were alarming indeed, but to consider all those incidents as EXTRAJUDICIAL KILLING is an exaggeration. Well, we cannot deny the fact that some of those in authority abused their power and their fear of getting caught with their involvement compelled them to kill those pushers and users that may jeopardize their career. But those case are now under investigation.
The recent Senate Probe led by Senator Delima to discredit the war against drugs because of the so-called EJK was, for me, her way of diverting the issue that she was facing right now, delaying tactics, so to speak. Or maybe she was just trying her effort to save her "friends from NBP" from possible "laglagan" moves that would justify her involvement. Well, whatever was her motives, I just hope that this war against drugs will be successful. Sorry, but I am not sorry for those who were killed, with clear evidences, because of drugs. In the first place, they should be aware that by the time they got their hands dirty, they could get themselves killed. I am more than sorry for those who were murdered by those drug addicts.
Indeed, Senator Peter Cayetano's opening statement on one of the Senate's Probe about EJK on August 22, 2016 was an eye opener. You can view that in YouTube

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