Goodbye July.... Welcome August!
I am declaring God's abundant blessings for this month and the months to come!
Whew, life can be so wonderful, worthy of celebration if and only if we will always focus on the good side of it. Yes, there might be difficulties that we need to overcome but all those things are just passing by- temporary. We might have shortcomings but through them, we will be able to feel the faithfulness of our God-our Loving Creator.
If you happen to read this, I declare blessings upon you, I declare success in every good endeavor that you have, in Jesus name! I also declare healing for all of us who went through some health problems. Our God is our Great Healer more than what our doctors prescribed. Besides, our life is just borrowed from Him- He can actually take it anytime. But I do believe that God wants us to do something more and we need to do some greater things for the advancement of His Kingdom. We are still needed here on Earth that is why we should be conscious to God's calling for each one of us.
Let's enjoy God's goodness. Let us savor altogether His immeasurable love and kindness.
Let's all be positive. No to negative thoughts!
God bless

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God bless