Monday, September 29, 2014

Can You Defy Anxiety?

No matter how hard we try not to get anxious about life's circumstances, still our inner self just cannot conceal it. Telling ourselves not to worry is easier said than done.

But if we have firmer knowledge about our stand before God, worrying can be just a clause or phrase that won't really get into our way. Everything could be under control knowing that somebody UP THERE takes care of it.

Sometimes, I tend to worry a lot especially if the situation involves my loved ones. I worried too much that I forgot to pray. And when I remember to pray, still my anxiety keeps on overwhelming me.

Worrying is a sign of distrust. Not to anyone else but to our God who is the source of everything. When we trust someone, we should not care to worry. However, sometimes, our prayers become futile because right after we talk to God, our anxiety consumes much of our thoughts. Well, maybe, we should stop worrying by establishing a right attitude in our heart. 

So the next time we worry, let's try to check what causes our anxiety and what makes it too difficult for us to let go of this anxiety. The answer could be in our attitude of accepting the possible outcome. Well, if our worries has something to do with life being at stake, why not entrust it all to our Creator who is the owner of our life? After all, everything in our life happens for a reason.

Let's defy anxiety by letting God to have the total control of everything- He knows best!

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Saturday, September 27, 2014

What Happen When We Misuse Social Media?

image from Google
Social media made a significant impact in the way we behave and react to things that we both like and dislike. We love to post and share our emotions, life's update and even those things that keep our hands busy even if it is not really that important. 

Long ago, most of us could have written all our good and bad experiences for the day in our exclusive diary. However, as technology evolves and becomes accessible to the public, so does our lives. Those secret feelings that we held confidential to ourselves alone has long been gone. 

Our life becomes an open book, a daily menu that almost anyone are free to feast on. We become very confident in sharing even our worst personalities, and we are so delighted when somebody could relate and eventually like our status. The more likes or readers we get, the higher is the trust that we put to social media. It becomes our daily companion.

It is clear to me, however, that we have different views and opinions about social media. There are some who viewed social media as an outlet for freedom of expression. There are also some people who blamed the high crime rate and even moral degradation to social media.

But social media itself isn't bad at all. It's just among those list medium of communication. It can only be bad when we are going to misuse it. When our purpose of using social media is to malign people, to humiliate them, and/or to make fun of them, obviously, we are nothing but an irresponsible individual who needs to undergo proper training in using social media. 

We should be responsible enough in everything that  we have posted or about to post in our wall or what we have written or about to write in our blog. When we want to voice out our opinion, we can do so through social media but in a way that no one will be hurt. We can post anything that we like but we should be careful enough not to offend anyone and most of all, we should avoid using harsh hashtags for facebooks or twitters as much as possible. As we have noticed, some conflicts begin when the people we love trusted facebook and other social media sites more than they trust us.

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Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Easy Weight Loss?

I do not know if you already heard about Garcinia Forte- the latest and hottest fat burning med in the market, I supposed.

I am so curious about it that I want opinion from you dear fellow bloggers, followers and readers about the efficacy and safety of this product.

Judy Ann Santos is said to be using this one, hope it is really true because Judai's figure right now are way too better than when she was still single.

I felt the need to lose weight and I badly want to know if this is really effective.

Any comment?

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Saturday, September 6, 2014

In Anything and Everything...

Honestly, it is not easy to become a teacher. Much more if you are handling heterogeneous type of students and all of them have a story to tell about themselves and the kind of life that they have.

Imagine the feeling when you learn that your student came to school late because he needs to walk a mile or two just to reach the school. How much more for a student who stopped schooling because his parents forced him to work in order to meet both ends for the family. How about learning that your student got absent for too long because she needs to give birth without you noticing a trace of bumps on her tummy for the past months because she tried hard to conceal it. Or what could be worst than having a student whose "part-time work" puts his life at risk?

Those are issues that quite too complicated to handle but you are left with no other choice than to accept the fact that you need to extend your patience, widen your understanding, show them love, and accept the fact that you need to be strong for them. 

Teaching is not an easy job. However, if teaching is your passion- you are far more than willing to do anything and everything for the love of teaching.

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Thursday, September 4, 2014

How Do You Know If Your HVAC Unit Needs Repair

It is not always easy to determine whether an HVAC unit needs to be repaired or completely replaced. Because most sit on the outside of the house, they rarely get any owner attention until they have already moved beyond the point of the simple fix. There are some indicators that signal it may be time to call a professional for a rescue.

If the unit starts to make noises that are unusual, it has earned a closer inspection. When the unit is on, it should make a consistent hum. If the hum starts to modulate or make loud click noises that can be heard from inside the house, the unit likely needs repair. A typical problem is a broken compressor, but any number of functions inside the unit can cause the unit to malfunction. 

Home owners should also pay careful attention to units that do not seem to be running in cycles with a shut-off period. No unit should run constantly without a break. In some cases, this happens because of a change inside the house. The windows could be left open and significantly drop the temperature in the house, for example. In this case, the windows should be closed to see if the HVAC unit returns to proper function. If it does not, it is time to call a technician for repair.

To avoid some of these challenges, it is important to practice reasonable maintenance routines. These can range from changing the filter inside the house every month to purchasing a regular check-up plan from a local repair business. Simple preventive care can save a lot of headache down the road.

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