If I am going to assess my life right now, I could say that God is dealing with me slowly. He is dealing with my being so persistent in the things that I want. I used to be so hard headed and maybe a little bit so until now. I insist on the things that I want. In other words, I used to disobey God deliberately.
However, despite of being so ME, a self-centered one, God never abandon me. he never let go of me. That is one thing that I want to thank God with.
He was there when I finally decided to pursue my career and find a greener pasture. He was there with me all the way until finally all my effort paid off through His grace and mercy.

Indeed, God's faithfulness and love is immeasurable. All the apprehensions that I kept within myself vanished when He open the door of opportunity for me. All my hesitations were gone.
Thank You so much, Lord.

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