It has been seven years already since my last visit in
Bohol. That was when my grandfather died. Barely a month ago, my Mom went to
Bohol with my uncle and aunt to visit my grandma who was admitted to the
hospital. While they were there, my grandma mentioned that she wants all her
grandchildren to visit her this May. My Mom, being the closest to my grandma
told us then to heed my grandma’s request. That is why we are going there by middle of May.
However, I just hope that that will not be the last that all of us will have a
get-together with my grandma. I am praying for her good health and more years
to come in her life. I am kind of excited for it. I still have my class during
that time but I will hold classes during Saturdays so I could make up the whole
week that I will be absent.

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