I really do not know what particular topic to write this time. My mind is wandering and well, I am totally out of myself. I started the day bad and seems like it will remain that way for the rest of the day. I am supposed to attend a lunch gathering earlier but I decided to stay. Honestly, a lot of things are playing on my mind but I am completely disturb.
This is the negative effect when you are overly sensitive. You tend to take things too seriously that it will really affect your mind set as well as your daily goals. Instead of doing the things that you have planned ahead, tendencies are, you could procrastinate. Workbooks are piling on my table this time yet I do not have enough energy to check all of those. I am not only disturbed, I am also totally disoriented.
If there's one thing that my life have taught me, that is to to be tough in facing any challenges. Yet, this time I don't even know how to differentiate toughness from hostility. Yes, I am becoming hostile with life nowadays.

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