A common policy in most universities. Students have no excuse, not unless with approved note from the SAW Office. Anyway, I wonder if such policy should be imposed to teachers as well. Oops, I might caught myself standing outside the gate waiting for a go signal from the guard that I can enter the school premises LOL. Well, it may sound unfair, but teacher can freely get inside the campus with their casual outfit, something that they felt comfortable wearing (I can hear the students shouting: That's unfair!). For myself, I have a valid excuse (that's what I thought of). I wasn't able to wear my school uniform since June because I am pregnant, then I gave birth and I have this post-partum belly which make it difficult for me to fit on my uniform. But that was two months ago. So, this morning, first Monday of the month, i tried to fit my uniform and alas, it did! Though the zipper is more than half-way (won't close totally) but at least I can already wear it! Most of my students were really surprised. Now, I won't be late anymore finding and thinking what to wear everyday for school. ^_^

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