It's been a month already since I gave birth to my Li'l Princess. Time flies so fast indeed! Right now, I am slowly recovering from the operation (CS), and guess what, for those who are not aware, I've been back to work since the 15th of this month! Many were really surprise for my early comeback. Well, I really have to because I cannot take a long maternity leave at the expense of my dear beloved students. I am very much careful anyway not to get stressed. Besides, teaching isn't really that stressful after all. As long as you know your lessons well everything will be okay. Not to mention asking the cooperation of the students (a sort of asking them not to give me any problem that will stress my beauty! LOL).
Right now, I am quite busy preparing for the Midterm Exam which will be conducted next week. And to make it quite easy for me, I'm blogging, blog hopping, updating my FB and browsing.
Ssshh my one month old baby is sleeping soundly :)

I am linking this post for BPC 2013 hosted by Our Home and Haven.

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