I am a certified blogger. That's a fact. However, I still felt the need of wanting to learn more about blogging and promotion.I might be driven by my passion in writing but I am not pretty sure if everything I wrote is worth-reading and totally engaging. Nevertheless, I still write mainly to express and not to impress. But it is a whole lot better if everyone could relate whatever thoughts I have expressed from my mind. Like what I have learned from the CDO Bloggers Inc., to which I am one of their new members, it feels good to be a Social Media Influencer.
For me, being a blogger entails great social responsibility. And with that, we have to be responsible enough with everything we wrote considering that every time we click the PUBLISH button, it is viewable to the whole wide world. So, how good is that if we are able to share our thoughts and ideas to the world and be able to influence them in any possible way? BUT, were our thoughts and ideas really get the chance to be noticed by the majority? What if, at the end of the day, you realized that only few were able to get your message? To be honest, this is one of my dilemma. I write, I express my ideas hoping it could influence others but I really do not know how far it went. And I want to do something about it.
Recently, the CDO Bloggers conducted Basic Blogging and Social Media Promotion, a sort of a workshop. Initially, it was intended for newbie bloggers however, I still registered because I might be blogging for more than three years yet I know there's still a lot of things that I need to learn especially in the issue of promoting my blog. I need to equip myself! The insights I got from Mr. Vic Madriaga, the current CDO Bloggers President is a sort of a refresher course for me. He talks all about the basics in Blogging. Venus Smileygal, VP- Internal, on the other hand focuses on social media promotion. She shared everything she learned and all the time, effort and the minimal cost I spent for this event is so worth it! Thank you guys!
By the way, it was not just an ordinary event. It was made possible with the support of its major sponsors: Sun Cellular (thank you for the kit), Missy Bonbon (thank you for their yummy pastel), CDO Moms, Res Toe Run (looking forward to have one!), Dessert Strip (thanks for the brownies), Bigby's, DermCare and Pinay Mommy Online!
Hmm, looking forward for more in the future! I wanna blog for more and be heard. How about you?