I admit, I am not as faithful as one should ought to be in the area of tithing. I have a lot of reasons to give to God why I wasn't able to do what I ought to do, but the bottom line is still the same:
One obvious reason why I cannot give is that I am running short of money (as always) I do not know why even if how big is the amount that I will receive, still it is not good enough and I wonder why. Then I remember what our Pastor often told us that we should be faithful in the area of giving. I wonder how big it seems the 10% was when it is for God and so little when we are hoping for a salary augmentation. One particular verse in the Bible that I used to make as my alibi when it comes to giving is the verse in 2 Corinthians 9:7 which says that "Each man should give what he has decided to give, NOT RELUCTANTLY or UNDER COMPULSION for God loves a cheerful giver". But I realized that such verse was meant to explain what our attitude should be in the area of giving and TITHING is another thing. It is an obligation. Those times that I missed tithing we experienced a couple of financial crises and I even reach to a point that I blamed God for all those circumstances. It was a slap to my face when I realized that all those misfortune I've encountered were the result of my unfaithfulness. I robbed a small amount to God in exchange of vast financial constraint.
So now, I made it to a point not to commit the same mistake again. I cannot bear anymore the consequences. I should not let anxiety overwhelms me. I have lots of apprehensions but I should not allow all those things to stop me in giving to God what is due to Him. I should allow Him to have the total control of my life, specifically in all my finances. :)
Linking my way to Word-Filled Wednesday!

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