One of the challenges that each student should face is taking their periodic exam. As a teacher, I can really assess those students that are ready and those that are so relax that they seems not to matter the outcome of their exam at all. I remember back when I was still in college. I started studying my lesson in preparation for the exam early in the morning (before the sun goes up?) or few hours prior to the schedule. I am just an average student who may pass the exam but cannot make it to the perfect score. I am not really good in memory retention that is why I prefer studying on the very same day my exam will start.
But thanks to God, I never got a failing grades in my entire College life because I made it a point to pass all my subjects because I do not want to repeat the subject considering that it entails another cost and burden to my parents. How I wish all my students will have the same goal. However, the way I see it, some, if not all, of my students couldn't care the less. Just imagine attending to my Drawing Class without drawing tools or attending my Educational Technology students without their flash disk where all their projects and activities were saved for checking. Some may have a valid reason but as a student, one should be responsible enough and always be prepared in coming to school. Back in my College days, I am not really that good, I am not among the cream of the crop but there's one thing within me that sustain me all throughout those entire college life and that is the goal to pass all my subjects and finish my studies on time.
How I wish it would be the same for my students right now. Because if they won't get serious now with their studies, then when?
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