Sometimes, our human nature overpowered us even if we knew for a fact that God will never forsake us. The faith that we once have sometimes diminish because we haven't received an immediate answer to our prayers.
It's difficult indeed. Much more if the faith that we have for God is not that strong. Our anxieties grows even more when the situation seems so unfavorable for us. The questions like : What shall we do? How can we overcome this? Where do we go from here? and the likes, these are the questions that will weaken us little by little.
But God never fails us. His Words will forever hold true. We just need to strengthen our faith on Him. Being anxious will just mislead us to falter away from the truth. Above all, it will just hinder us to receive more blessings from God on the right time, at His appointed time.
Be still, knowing that we have a BIG GOD.
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