As President Noy Aquino laid out to the public of all his achievements from his one year of government and even his plans for the remaining years of his term, it cannot be avoided that there are really those who are not satisfied of his performance. Well, that is normal. We cannot expect everyone to be agreeable in everything that we do or say. That's the same as we cannot pleased everybody.
I have watched (partially) President Noy's SONA at, however, the video streaming quality isn't that good so I did not finished watching it. There are other viewers who posted their comments about the said SONA and most of them (with anonymous identity) showed their disappointmets to the performance of the President.
Well, that's how the ball rolls in our political arena. Whoever became the President, there are really those what we called as ANTI-ADMINISTRATION that's because nobody is perfect. As for me, I will no longer make an input here whether I am pro or against the administration. What I want to emphasize is that, our country needs prayers for God's intervention because if we completely rely on our capacity as human, we will always comes short.

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