The wonderful deed that Jesus Christ has done for us was indeed beyond compare...
Indeed, none of us can fathom His great love for us... His great love for me.
Despite the things that I've been through right now, I do still believe that He will not forsake me... that He will always be My God of Comfort... He will eventually heal me and will pave the way towards reconciliation...
Yes in due time, He will gonna make it happen...
I just need to endure the pain... And this pain is nothing compared to what He experienced on that rugged cross one fateful Friday.
To you Lord I entrust everything...
For I know that everything happens for a reason.
Just help me to e strong... help me to carry on.

3 comments/reactions:
in His perfect time, everything will be beautiful. keep trusting Him, He is truly faithful.
Praise God for that death and resurrection.....and for the fact that it dealt with the payment of my sin.
He is loving beyond compare and ever faithful to carry us through! Happy WFW!
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