"If symptoms persist, consult your doctor"
And exactly that was what I did yesterday. It's been almost or maybe more than a month already that I have suffered and endured hard cough by taking (based on my own prescriptions) cough med, syrups and herbs. However, my condition does not improve (positively). My huggy accompanied me then to Dr. Irnie Dave Obias. He said I have Allergic Bronchitis and he prescribed me with, well FOUR kinds of medicine that I need to take for straight FIVE days. And IF, the symptoms STILL persist, I need to go back to him for an X-Ray recommendation (ouch!). Good thing he does not charge me with a consultation fee (He is a family friend of my huggy- to my advantage) plus I got a discount of almost P300.00 for the medicines (what a blessings indeed).
I tried to learn about Allergic Bronchitis, as I have only known Allergic Rhinitis (which I experienced last December). So far based on my research, I have learned the following:
Allergic bronchitis is a type of asthma, which causes the obstruction of the airways when the bronchi or the air passages of the lungs become filled up with mucous during an asthma attack. Respiratory illnesses have significant effects on the lives of millions of people. It can be acute, when it is a short term illness and easily treatable. In allergic bronchitis, both asthma symptoms and allergies are present which can cause hay fever and allergic rhinitis. By far, the majority of cases of bronchitis stem from viral infections.
Allergic bronchitis is manageable, however if you have this illness you must also be aware that it can be dangerous at times. It is important that you know how to deal with it whenever you are exposed to unexpected allergen, like taking medications with you at all times in case of emergency.
While everything stated above is TRUE, my Doctor also said that allergic bronchitis is also caused by STRESS

So, for those who cannot help themselves from SMOKING, please respect those people around you. Be sensitive. Smoking can kill, not directly but indirectly. Thou shall NOT kill.
Have mercy on us.

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